Lum and Abner – Cedric Hires Mousey. 420818

Lum counts up the cash on hand to see if its enough to cover the legal fees. Squire has covered the expense to retain lawyers to fight for the baby’s claim to a gold mine. In the store, Abner is confused over the way that Cedric got elected as president of the gold mine, thwarting Lum’s intentions. Maybe they can sell their old delivery truck they had when they had the bakery business a few months back. Is it worth $500?

Making a phone call, Lum may have an offer on the old truck that is currently held in a repair shop. Mousey Gray pops in to place an order to outfit himself for a new job. President Cedric has hired him to do some mining.

Good news comes for Lum. His old truck has sold, and its enough to pay the lawyer, and even a consignment to the repair shop for selling it. Who is the happy owner of the truck? Squire is sent a check, and there’s no obligation with him.