David Harding, Counterspy – The Case of the International Intrigue. 491020 (retro526)

When national security is at stake, Washinton rrelies on David Harding, and his counter spies. American scientific secrets are up for sale.

In a the quaint town of ucern, Switzerland, international intrigue is the matter for crooked businessmen, casinos, and sultry women. It’s up to David Harding to ferret out the identity of the traitorous scientist, and protect the nation.

Counter spies from all over Europe are alerted, and the race is on to identify the rogue scientist. The business deal proves to be serious, and deadly to those who would stand in the way.

Secret passwords,, and counter signs are vital for David Harding to know who he can trust. Still, has the evil mastermind given David the slip? Whill Harding be forced to pay the money, and let the plans slip through his fingers? There are some twists, secrets, and spies who have numbers for names that David uses to uncover the truth to take down the bad guys.

Bonus track:
Duke Ellington, with vocal by Mildred Bailey – I Never Knew.