Gunsmoke – Cheyennes. 550205.

The show opens with a voiceover by Matt, who describes the aftermath of an indian attack on a farmhouse. In poking through the mess, Matt discovers that the indians had rifles, and was probably why the attack was so thorough. Just then and Army troop rides up, and there’s a little power play between Matt and the pompous troop captain.

Matt allows himself to be arrested and hauled in. He keeps his identity a secret, but talks with the commander about the gun runners, and the stragedy behind what is happening with the local indians, and how they came to be on the loose with guns. The commander recognizes Matt and Chester, and the troop captain is let off the hook with tact, at his picking up a US Marshall.

Matt and Chester go on the move to infiltrate the indian camp. They are more likely to move freely where the Army wouldn’t be able to get results. Matt talks with the chief. the majority of the tribe is peaceful, but there arre a growing number of young braves, and from tribes that the chief has no control over, who are sneaking off to buy guns.

Wanting to make peace, the chief lets Matt know where to find the gun runners, but warns to not kill any of the indians, or it could explode into outright war with them. Armed with his new information, Matt goes to report to the Army. However, the troop captain expresses his intent to ride in with much bravado, and wipe out the gun runners and the indians who are buying guns. Matt refuses to tell what he knows, leaves, and takes it on himself to handle the gun situation on his own. He’s successful in taking down the gun runners, but will Mat and Chester survive the angry indians?

Getting back to the Army, the green captain has always had good intentions, just no good understanding of indian affairs. When he approaches, the indians are scared off. It saves Matt and Chester, and because of the captains lack of awareness of the presence of the indians, the braves get away unharmed, and peace is restored.