Red Skelton – Rationing. ep49, 421208

Red gets teased about his latest film, as well as topics on dating. Wonderful Smith is absent, and today we learn why. Red reads a letter from boot camp as Wonderful deals with KP, and other wonders of Army life. Ozzie and Harriet sing, Touch of Texas in My Soul.

With the absence of Wonderful Smith, Red introduces a couple new characters. Bert and Gert… er… Boit and Goit are New Jersey transplants to Southern California who face trouble with the new gas rations as they go to work.

Clem doesn’t have a car, but he still manages to get in a wisecrack when he spots a girl gas station attendant. It’s Daisy June, and besides the topic of women in the workplace, the two manage to thwart the plan of saboteurs in stealing a tank truck of gasoline for the defense workers.

Ozzie plays, This is the Army Mr Jones. To turn a phrase into fodder for the mid show commercial, Red shows how the gang all car pooled to the studio to save on their gas rations.

Finally, Junior the mean little kid does his dirty work to mess with mom’s gas ration book. Then he turns to his usual mischief in breaking things, telling on his mom, and all manner of wreaking havoc on the adults in his life.

Trivia alert: Rationing started as early as a few days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, however through the Summer, and in the recent weeks it had increased to include the widespread issuing of ration books. Different rations, depending on the need were issued, and even were issued to babies and children.