Inner Sanctum Mysteries – The Creeping Wall. 460108

Harvey is a devoted and generous man to his wife, Karen, As she gets older, the loss of her youthful appearance is devastating to her. Her insecurities grow into paranoia that everyone who looks at her is marveling at her sagging middle age appearance.

Her insecurity drives a growing case of claustrophobia, and into involuntary behaviors such as arson. Or maybe she’s just lashing out, and in severe denial that she did the deed. Her facilitating husband caters to her claustrophobic nature to move into a roomier, large house.

As early as they can, they move in, but the former tenant still has some of his things inside. Before the real estate agent can turn the property over to them, Karen lets a deadly snake out of its cage. Such a cute and cuddley, poor little bushmaster that is frantically trying to escape the bars of its cage, she could relate to its claustrophobia, but is in denial that she let the viper out.

Where will her mental instability go next? Will another murder be in her future, and one that may not be so accidental? Will Harvey continue to facilitate his wife’s condition, or will she finally bite off more than he can cover up for her?