CBS Radio Workshop – Brave New World, Part 1and2. 560127-0203 (retro505

Part 1: In a futuristic world, hatcheries are responsible for incubating human babiesÖ without the need for human interaction. What advantage is that? Scores of people can be produced in identical batches. BabiesÖ are made assembly line style. Staying together as a couple for 4 months is considered a long term relationship, and having more than one mate at a time is the norm. Such words asÖ motherÖ are treated as borderline smut. Disgusting. What about the assembly line processing of the embryos? Listen to learn how conditioning for specific occupations is engineered at the earliest ages.

Emotions and exclusive relationships are frowned upon. Is there any hope for individuality, or self dignity? From birth, babies are cast into their educational process. Subjected to gunshot sounds, electric shock being used to ingrain a fear of learnng and beauty in the lower classes of humanity. For the privileged classes, sleep learning is like a narcotic, and an attitude that its better to throw something away than to repair it is ingrained. Thinking is a thing of the past, and considered disgusting.

Despite warnings to break it off, Lanina and Bernard cruise above the city in their helicopter, discussing their future. Where should they go on their date? Will word of their rebellion get them in trouble? Progress in technology may be lovely, but it is beginning to leave Bernard cold. A trip to the dust and squaller of the Southwest indian reservations appeals to Bernards hiden passions. Has a different kind of scandal ben exposed? Is something sinister afoot with the director of the embryo hatcheries?
What will happen next in this tale of moral decline, and an abandoning of social standards? …

Part 2: Aired the following week… 560203

The director of hatcheries is again proudly showing off the advancements of human engineering, mass producing uniformly similar babies, and how terrible the bad old days were. You know… when babies had to be made in the… idk… old fashioned way. Each class of humans made to be content at working in their level of expertise. Socialization, and promiscuity are the ideal norms. While shunning of expressing any individuality is treated as betrayal.

While on their excursion to the indian territories outside accepted civilization, a woman and her son are returned after being thought lost for over 20 years. Is this Bernard’s downfall from his first class place in society? How will Linda’s return affect the stars of the director? While amorng the savages, a bit of smutty literature was uncoveredÖ poetry by William Shakespeare. Such talk of love, marriage, and worse.

Will Bernard and Nina get together? Is she as emotional as Bernard has shown himself to be? Or does she just think of love as a physical act?

Elsewhere, how are people in the hospital treated when death is near? Linda has returned to civilization , but her native son is shocked to see the baby nursery assembly lines. How will he take it to see his mother die? Overcome with grief, John seeks out the director.

Can John warn the masses that they have been lied to since birthÖ that the food they receive as a daily ration is enslaving them? Is it too little for one lone savage to take on by himself? Nobody remembers, or even knows what liberty is. Is the punishment of a small band of rebels actually a reward in disguise? Has God been filtered out of society, through machinery and technology? Has he been substituted for self serving and self gratifying, artificial happiness.?

Bonus Track.

None today. The double feature takes an hour, so Keith keeps his comments brief.