Superman – The Ghost Car 8of8. 420225

Clark Kent and Lois Lane have been tracking down every clue to learn why someone is trying to force Grant to sell his dude ranch. Who is behind the strange car crashes? Does it have to do with the old gold mine on the property? What has happened to Jimmy?

Seeing a strange light flickering in the distance, Clark switches to Superman to rescue the unconscious bodies of Jimmy and Alfredo from a fire that threatens to burn them alive. Shorty has been uncovered as their kidnapper, and now its a race back to the ranch to locate the cow hand.

Our heros drive out to catch the train back home, but Clark still hasn’t fully solved the mystery yet. Who is behind the sale of the ranch? Clark has a trick up his sleeve to lure the mystery man out. A game of chicken with the ghost car ought to do the trick for Superman to expose the mystery. Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion and explanation to the mystery.