Superman – Crooked Oil Association 3of10. 411010

A motorcade of 3 tank trucks race through the night, headed up by Tumbleweed Jones. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jimmy is tucked into bed as Clark hunts down a night time snack for his young friend. What secret has Clark overheard about the convoy? A confrontation with Chuck the foreman sends Superman up… up… and on his way!

On the road, we learn why the convoy is so important to break the stranglehold the oil association has on the ranchers. Just then a landdslide threatens to block the road, and it might have worked had it not been for help from Superman.

Unaware of the earlier sabotage that Chuck had planned for the ranch, Jimmy trusts him and turns him loose. Should Jimmy also trust Chuck to pick out a pony and saddle him up as they ride out on the range? Will he end up as coyote bait as his wild, unbroken pony carries him across the desert?