Creaking Door – Bring Back Her Bones.

Do you believe in time travel? What about zombies? Join the trip to the jungle village, and the visit to the blind witch doctor. Why does Mr Hayward want to travel into the future to retrieve his wife’s skeleton? The witch doctor seems to have a decent enough grasp on scientific theory to understand that bringing her bones back will interfere with the fabric of space and time, and cause her death.

Later we join Hayward, and learn about his rocky marriage relationship. He figures it would be a nicer end to the marriage if she were dead, but Hayward can’t bring himself to do it. With the bones in his possession, he has to arrange the payment to the witch doctor. Can he afford to pay the high price demanded of him?

It only costs the selling of his soul, but Hayward agrees. Did the bones do their dirty work? Sightings of his wife in town are reported. Has Betty come back? Hayward wonders if someone has destroyed the futuristic bones. Wouldn’t that permanently kill her, or just turn her into a zombie?

The worried Hayward panics. Will he ever be free of his wife, or will Betty haunt him forever? The fear stricken Hayward faces life in a home for the mentally disturbed. But who will care for him in his incapacitated condition?