Future Tense – The Seventh Victim. 740506

A series from after the era of radio’s golden days. This is a re-production of a script from X Minus One. From the included radio announcements, its a local production from a station in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

In future times, war has been abolished, but a system of government controlled killing has been put in its place. As the story develops, we learn that anybody can enroll in the hunter program. Registered hunters are assined victims that they are free to kill. They have a 6 month window of time, and have rigid rules about weapons to use, not shooting or injuring non victims, and so forth. After successfully reaching their 10th victim, they can retire on a pension.

Victims are also registered, and can hire spotters to help them. They also have rules to follow in evading their certain demise.

In the game of cat and mouse, our hunter discovers he is to kill a woman. What? Woman trying to horn in on a man’s game? Why don’t they just stay home where they belong? Somehow it just isn’t challenging, and the hitman takes a chance and makes personal contact with his prey. Would it be wrong to let this one go? Would it be wrong to show some mercy to the emotionally distraught woman? What would be so wrong in running away together, and getting married? Let’s just say the hunter finds out the hard way about his womanizing and patronizing ways.