Lone Ranger – mark Delaney. 381111

When the law breaks down, the outlaws roam the country as if they own it. Hooded men appear on the scene to offer vigilante justice to get rid of the bad guys.

Soon the vigilantes turn to using their powers for evil. They put their power to use to force honest ranchers out of business to steal their land. When a friend of the Lone Ranger falls victim, he does all he can to break up the secret society. Does anybody know, or even suspect who the hooded men are? Days pass, and another rancher faces a hostile takeover.

Lone Ranger, Tonto, and his rancher friend split up to contact the other ranchers who fell prey to the vigilantes. Now, their plan is ready to put into place to stir up the hooded riders. Has their identity been found out?

It doesn’t matter how well they may have driven outlaws from the land, when the vigilantes get the population riled, everyone turns against them. Is this the plan the Lone Ranger put into place? Will it be enough to simply run the vigilantes out of town? Jail is the place for them.