Dark Fantasy – Men Call Me Mad. ep5, 411219

In his darkened study, a scientist shares his findings that worlds exist within worlds. Projecting a film of tiny people found in a moonbeam seems to prove the theory, and he proposes a potion that will make him progressively smaller. Small enough to eventually join the moonbeam world. Will his colleagues help him reach his goal? The scientists marvel that he’s actually shrinking. What new discoveries will he find?

In a garden that resembles a paradise, the scientist meets a princess. In such a primaeval land he learns that he has been anticipated, that the moonbeam world is doomed, and hiws life could be in great danger. Is there something he might do to help the king, and the survival of the new land?

The scientist is a physician on earth, and is sure he can save the prince from his deadly disease. Will he succeed? When his ordeal is done, will he be able to return to earth to report his findings? Will he be allowed to go? After finding love, will he want to go? Is there a connection between the two realms? Will his discoveries enlighten mankind, or only prove he’s mad?