Black Museum – A Silencer. ep41, 1952

In reviewing the various instruments of death in the Black Museum, Orson Wells presents how a silencer found it’s way in its display.

Before turning in for the evening, Herbert pulled down his blinds, and without warning, or apparent cause he falls down dead. His wife heard no shot to tell the Scotland Yard inspectors about. Who might have wanted him dead? Was the shot from a distance?

Elsewhere, a young couple are talking in a house in the same housing development, and the young Mrs Martin falls over dead. The police come to find the same weapon was used, and indications point to a military rifle, and a former serviceman. Worry spreads among residents of the neighborhood. Police attend a community meeting to help alleviate fears about the incidents, only to have yet another person drop dead right in the room.

Unanswered questions abound. Scotland Yard inspectors try to recreate the scene, and judge angles to pinpoint the source of the shooting. Clues explode to the surface, and a better profile of the shooter is developed. With plenty of physical evidence on how the killer worked, the cops set about laying a trap to lure the person into their grasp. Listen in to get the story behind the killer’s motivation for his short shooting spree.