Black Museum – A Shilling. ep40, 1952.

Orson Wells presents a story of how a Shilling coin became the key evidence in a case of murder. Two brothers, Joey and David, have sworn to kill each other. The police know about the threat between the high profile racketeers, but is there anything that can be done to stop it? All the resources of the great police department spring to life.

The murder is an open and shut case, but the investigators still collect the evidence with an eye on the trial. The crime scene turns up the lucky shilling piece. Witnesses lay a trail to a girl who is a nightclub singer.

Evidence is discussed, but much of it is circumstantial, leaving plenty of room for reasonable doubt for a good lawyer. Hauling Joey in for questioning, he claims to be innocent of the killing. Throughout, the mention of the lucky shilling recurs. What is there about it? Who had the lucky shilling, and which is the real one? How can one coin be told from another, don’t they all look alike Who is telling lies, and how will the inspectors figure it out?

A trap is set, but will the bait be tempting enough to catch the killer? Of course, and Orson wraps up with details on the outcome of the case in court.