Lum and Abner – Cedric Is A Partner. 420313

Lum is worried that word of Cedric’s magic lantern is getting out. The lantern was mistakenly loaned to the McMillan boys, and Lum frets that those boys are out with the lantern, getting all the money they want.

More mysterious things emerge. Who is Mr Adams, and why is he calling about Cedric? Is there any danger the magic in the lantern could get all used up?

Cedric comes back with Diogenes lantern, and Lum wants to make sure such a valuable lantern won’t stray far from his control. Will Cedric accept his offer to become a partner in the store? Will Lum learn the secret in the lantern? After the deal is made, Cedric shares the secret that it isn’t the lantern that has magic.