You Are There – The Trial Of John Peter Zenger, 1735AD. 490206.

Who is John Peter Zenger? He was an early newspaper reporter who published articles that brought the true feelings of New Yorkers to light, though they went against the king and the officials he appointed in government. CBS reporters examine the trial, and the early representation of the freedom of the press.

Interviews turn up various feelings from the people on the street. Join in as the courtroom proceedings are aired, complete with pompous hairsplitting, and running commentary from the court reporter. . The case hinges on whether the printed statements were truthful and factual. The scandalous and libelous material puts Mr Zenger in a tight spot, but has his attorney proved that he was within his rights?

The jury has all the information they need, and leave to arrive at a verdict. What will the jury decide? Is freedom for the colonists hanging in the balance?