Great Gildersleeve – Jolly Boys Band. 491123.

Leroy gives Gildersleeve grief about going to school. Gildy goes to sing with his Jolly Boys who sing a few bars of, Rambling Rose.

Back home, Leroy has a surprise for Gildy, a slide trombone. It might just be the first time the boy has been excited about school, but it’s annoying to Gildersleeve.

After being tempted to fiddle with the trombone, Gildersleeve wants to play the horn as part of the Jolly Boys Club and form a band. What will Peavey have to say about the inspiration? The guys are for the idea, but Gildy gets to learn, in a humorous way, what complications are involved in getting a band off the ground.

Do the Jolly boys have a new skill set to add to their resumes? Maybe, if arguing can be counted as a skill.