Great Gildersleeve – The Old Tom Cat. 491019.

Marjorie has a complaint that Leroy is bringing home all the stray animals he can find for pets. The latest addition is a Tom cat that even has Birdie up in arms. When Leo the Tom cat crosses paths with Gildersleeve, the decision is made to get rid of the huge cat.

Gildy takes it to his girlfriends to give to her mom. Interesting. Mrs Milford is played by the same person who plays Mrs Davis on Our Miss Brooks. Mrs Davis is the owner of a precocious cat named Minirva. Tom is just as much the rascal, but will Mrs Milford appreciate the gift?

Gildy makes a visit to the Jolly Boys Club to enjoy a little singing with his friends, getting teased, and to plug that new song that needs a name. The big contest will be up soon. Gildy is still trying to offload his cat. Hey, if they have dogs at the fire house, why not have the police commissioner take the cat to the jail?

End of problem, right? Not exactly. Gildy still has to pop into Peavey’s, maybe he’ll take Leo off Gildy’s hands. No matter what he tries, the cat keeps coming back. Finally, Gildy takes the cat for a long car ride in the country. Hmm. if this were a gangster show, there might be some gunshots involved here. Is Leo gone for good? Did he find a good country home? With the bad weather, the family are all worried, but are in denial. I wonder if cats have GPS.