Lum and Abner – The Lawyers In England Want A Retainer Fee. 380608.

Postum,when kids won’t drink their milk, don’t play games. Just mix milk with Postum, kids love it, and they can have as much as they want. As healthy as milk, and wholesome as the wheat bran it’s made from, drink Postum.

Down in Pine Ridge, Lum has recieved a letter that he may be an heir to a large estate in England. He’s even more certain today than ever that he is soon to recieve a windfall. He is writing an ad to sell his farm. The description is so glowing that Abner doesn’t recognize the place.

Lum feels his native land calling, and is feeling morre like a foreigner all the time. He explains why he thinks he’s related, and how his name relates. Abner tells Lum’s real full name, Not the only time we’ll learn Lum’s first name, but probably the only time his full name is ever given on the air.

Lum worries over learning the English language, and Abner offers the services his daughter Pearl. She’s learning English in school although he’s never heard her speak any of it yet. Abner gets confused over Lum’s concern at being an alien in this land. As the two dream about the anticipated inheritance, Cedric drops off a special delivery airmail letter. The lawyers want him to send a retainer of $500 to have them process his inheritance.

Postum, Lou Crosby warns against the dangers of being grouchy. It can be helped by a simple thing like giving up coffee. If that’s the case for you, switch to Postum. You’ll like it’s taste, it’s economy, it’s convenience, but most of all an improved disposition.

Note: Sounds like Lum’s irresistable deal is the same thing I still get in my email. You know the one, a foreign company or individual has a huge amount of cash, and all they need is a few thousand dollars from you to process the transaction, and you get the money. You send the cash, and it’s the last you hear of it.

If you’re familiar with the show, you probably know how this ends. If not, enjoy the fun as Lum works things out.