Our Miss Brooks – Keys To The School. 490605.

It’s early in the morning when Mrs Davis wakes up Connie for a special chore. Connie needs to feed Minirva since the absent minded Mrs Davis tells that she has to go visit her sister, Angela. With breakfast over, the school custodian pops in to keep Connie on her toes as he nit picks over the English teacher’s cliche filled grammar. The janitor has his own chore for Connie, he wants her to open the school today while he takes time off for his wife to have a baby.

Connie deals with the fussy Minirva, Boynton makes an entrance as Mrs Davis makes her exit. As Connie and Boynton are distracted by suggestive word play, guess who just left with the key to school?

Outside the school, Connie has to face up to the crowd and explain herself. The pressure is turned up a notch when the hypertensive Mr Conklin expects an award for the schools perfect attendance, the phone in his office persists in ringing, and nobody is inside the school to take care of the normal business.

Harriot volunteers Walter to save the day. The silver tongued teenager is sent on his mission to get the key from Mrs Davis. Conklin has his nerves settled a bit when Connie suggests a solution to the ever ringing telephone. Conklin is too frustrated and goes to check on the temporary, outdoor classrooms in use for the day. Meanwhile, Connie improvises and keeps Mr Stone preoccupied so he stops calling the school office.

What can Connie do to really save the day for Conklin? What’s taking Walter so long to return with the key? Will the cantankerous Mr Stone continue to drive up Conklins strress level?

Once the school is opened for the day, there’s still trouble for our favorite principal, although Connie manages to get a date out of her bashful biologist.