Flash Gordon – General Tal Seized, Blast Off From Mongo. 351012.

In the last episode Flash has reconciled with Dale, and Kahn is prepared to fight to the finish with the General.

Queen Azura has relinquished her realm to Flash, but first they need to take the General out of control. In Kahn’s death battle with the General, it looks like curtains for Kahn. Troublesome word reaches the ears of the General by a soldier who reports that Dale and Flash are still alive. The General sends out a patrol to bring in the head of Flash Gordon.

Azura intercepts General Tal’s troops. Is the rest of the Army still loyal to her, or not? The report of Kahn’s death reaches Flash. With the intelligence report he just recieved, Flash makes a plan to sneak into the palace and overthrow the Genral. The General gets some more disturbing news, but he is easily dispatched by Flash. As he and Azura make plans for the kingdom, things are looking rosy. Flash and Dale profess their love for each other.

Time goes by and Doc Zarkoff has built a new rocketship. They leave Azura in charge of the Cave World and prepare to blast off. They cruise alog at the breakneck speed of 500 MPH when all of a sudden a wierd siren goes off. What can it be? Space cops pulling them over for speeding? Nope, the spaceship is hurling out of control for a chrash landing on the earth.