Vic and Sade – Congress And The Supreme Court. 371128.

At the white house half way up the next block Vic and Sade sit, and are talking as Rush tries to put the finishing touches on his algebra homework. Rush, as usual, is distracted as he looks for any excuse to lay his homework aside.

The conversation is about the role of Congress, and the Supreme Courtand the important role they play in our government. , doesn’t understand the topic, so she downplays it, claiming it to be so much foolishness. Though Vic and Rush have the concept down pat, and try to tell her of the importance, she just doesn’t want to grasp it.

Since he just learned about all this in his Civics class, Rush is able to join in and lend a knowledgeable hand in the explanations. Despite the facts lain before her, and with Vic and Rush having a pretty good handle on the structure of government, Sade tries to down play the knowledge as trivial blatherings that are just too hard to understand.

Note: For new time listeners to this long running series. The daily series was something of a soap opera with consistent themes. Although each show is a stand alone episode that doesn’t rely on previous or following ones in a continuing story line. One noteable fact is that for the entire run of the show, spanning from the early 1930’s thru the late 1940’s, there was only one writer, making Paul Rhymer one of the most prolific authors of American history. Even more than Mark Twain, yet the talents and name of Paul Rhymer are little known today.