Lum and Abner – Lawyer Lum Decides Its Time To Retire. 350709.

Lum and Abner – Lawyer Lum Decides Its Time To Retire. 350709. Horlicks: Try the Horlicks breakfast plan. It makes a fine health food drink for the whole family. Easy to digest, and keeps you feeling fresh and fit all day.

Down in Pine Ridge, Lum has decided to open a law office and has a client already. Just when he was to bring a suit, he found it was his own horse that go loose and caused trouble. Today in Pine Ridge, Abner comes to the Jottem Down Store to tell what Squire is up to.

Squire is upset, and still vows to get back at Lum and Abner. Lum cracks open the law books, and Abner offers some advice on how he should proceed with that horse situation. He’s got to find ways to keep the info from his client that he owns the horse. Should he just phone her and tell the truth? He blows some legal smoke and tries to have the client drop charges. The client, Mrs Philips, decides to have a different lawyer press the charges, so Abner calls her to butter her up in hopes she’ll go easy on him.

Since Abner kept getting the message mixed up, Lawyer Lum gets himself out of trouble, but vows to leave the lawyer business to others.

Horlicks: Make a big pitcher for the refrigerator. In original or chocolate flavors. A refreshing treat for the whole family.