Lum and Abner – Dick Says Chain Letters Are Illegal. 350510

Lum and Abner – Dick Says Chain Letters Are Illegal. 350510 Horlicks: For those who are overweight, use the Horlicks plan to lose 3 pounds per week. Try this marvelous plan, and start right away.

Down in Pine Ridge, Lum and Abner has started a Farm Relief Letter, and a Corn Relief Letter as their answer to the chain letter craze.

Today, Lum talks to Cedric about a book on how to care for hogs. They talk about the hog activity going on in town. Lum helps a caller with how to handle the shortage of hogs that are needed to go around in participating in the chain letter.

To get rid of their hogs, Lum has the bright idea of selling off his hogs at only $3. Wow, cheap for hogs, even with inflation figured in. It seems like it might have been cheaper for the chain letter recipients to just have sent a dime. Not to mention a lot less messy to store, feed and ship all those hogs.

Dick Huttleston is hesitant in joining in the fun. As the Pine Ridge postmaster, he lets Lum know why. He tells them that chain letters are illegal. Uh-oh.

Horlicks Letter: A man tells how he was in the hospital and was kept alive, and without serious weight loss, all thanks to Horlicks.