Our Miss Brooks – Walters Radio. 500122.

Connie Brooks complains to Mrs Davis about her car troubles before Walter arrives for her ride to school. Walter tells about his project, a hand built radio. With the rainy weather, Mr Conklin is in a grumpy mood. Is he ever in a good one? At school, Connnie drops off Walters radio in the science lab. In the process, she gets a lesson on the environment, and an early warning from Mr Boynton that the global climate is changing.

Vic and Sade – Lodge Regalia Out On Loan. 390102.

Vic talks with Sade about the emergency lodge meeting that is to kick off this evening. To prepare, Vic recruits Rush and Sade to drop what they are doing, and help him get ready. He needs his special lodge clothes, and Rush needs to help with memorizing the official greetings, and assigning gretings to others to memorize. Vic and Sade - Lodge Regalia Out On Loan. 390102. Vic talks with Sade about the emergency lodge meeting that is to kick off this evening. To prepare, Vic recruits Rush and Sade to drop what they are doing, and help him get ready. He needs his special lodge clothes, and Rush needs to help with memorizing the official greetings, and assigning gretings to others to memorize.