Lum and Abner – Cedric’s Date With Clara belle. 440503

A business meeting is called so the officers of the treasure company can vote on a name for the museum. Though he is president of the company, Cedric is distracted by a heavy date with Clara Belle tonight. Abner gets confused over how Clara Belle is, she doesn’t look all that heavy.

The gents are surprised that it was Clara Belle who called Cedric to ask for a date. She even hinted that he ought to bring her a big fruit basket. The gents try to get Cedric to concentrate on the meeting, and not the time it’s going to take to make himself pretty enough for his date.

Maybe the gents could let Cedric borrow that fancy coat they have on display in the museum. Kinda like taking samples home, like when Cedric used to be allowed to take samples when he worked in a bakery. With his attention to set on his date, Lum finally agrees to let Cedric take the coat. It could be good advertising for the museum.

There’s just something left to be revealed about the mystery behind why Clara Belle phone Cedric, and what the fruit basket is for. For fans of the show, you’ll know she has always used Cedric, while dating Gomer Bates. This won’t be leading up to yet another let down for Cedric, will it?