The Whistler – The Thief. ep36, 430117

Retired, wealthy manufacturer, Harry Ford, has a daughter. A phone call beckons Mrs Ford to come to his apartment for good news. Is this some kind of kidnapping plot? Though married for 12 years, she had a previous marriage, where George was presumed dead after a 7 year absence. Is he really dead? If not, what does he want? Who is Harry Jones? a reunion with a long lost son be a happy one?

Passing off her son, Gerald, as her nephew, he comes to live in the estate. Paul, the secretary to Mr Ford has eyes for Allison, the daughter, but once she sees Gerald, she’s smitten. It’s easy for Paul to fall from Allison’s sights, when attending to his duties mean he’s busy, and she can be idle with Gerald.

Katherine soon finds herself paying out all of her allowance to demands made by Gerald, and Harry Jones. Katherine may be forced to ask her husband for more money. An embarrassing position is created when jewels are missing from the safe. Who knew the combination?

Ford mistakes a tender moment between Katherine and her son for that of lovers, and suspects them of the robbery. She comes clean about her past. Harry is on the scene, and twists in the truth are exposed, but who is the guilty party? The Whistler shares a few untold twists to finish unravelling the mystery.

Note: Ken Christy is Harry Jones. He can often be heard as police commissioner Bates on the Gildersleeve program. Frank Nelson is Paul.