Lum and Abner – Trip To Tennessee Under Way. 440406

Still in charge, Cedric sets the tone, and gives orders concerning the expedition to Tennessee. Among his essentials for life on the road, Cedric has brought a pinball machine… thee gaming device of the younger generation of 1944.

As the gang strikes out, Cedric states the importance of driving less than 35MPH to conserve tires. He forces a halt to check tire pressure. Good measures to do their patriotic duty for the war effort. For now, Abner has been tasked to dig out the tire pump from under the pinball machine, and air up the low tire.

The travelers get a bit cranky when the pump has to be put under the pinball machine. Gilroy Adams seems to be making better time walking as the gents do in the car.

With all the attention to tires, one by one they pop, and there’s no spare. Well… at least Cedric is willing to share his pinball machine while they wait.

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