Lum and Abner – Cedric Hires Abner. 440404

The lost treasure company faces problems when Cedric is the only investor, and one in position to decide matters. Today, Abner tells Lum about the power hungry Cedric, and leaving his presidential business cards all around. He has been buying things, and sending the bills to Squire to pay out of company funds.

Lum figures he can borrow money to leverage the votes needed to overthrow Cedric from office. If Abner hires himself to Cedric to take dictation, he may be able to change Cedric’s words around, and keep the company from being liable to him. First, Cedric demands recommendations of Abner, to make sure his character is good enough.

The job situation is an embarrassment to Abner. Before much dictating can go down, Cedric has a phone call. What is his other new helper doing for him? Have more investors been turned out to pour thousands of dollars into the company?

Going over a script.