Father Knows Best – Rehearsing A Play. ep71, 510301

The center of drama queen Betty’s life revolves around whether the school play will be a success. Will she convince her dad to take a part in the drama? Mom is on her side, but will Jim feel like he’s being ganged up on the instant he was in the door? Bud’s request to upgrade his bicycle for a motorbike only complicates the matter. For once, Cathy is laying low while mom runs interference on the kids. Margret’s subtle reverse psychology works, despite Betty’s dramatic outpouring.

One crisis follows another when Jim needs to be set straight on which part in the theater he is to play. The reading of lines is interrupted as Cathy and Bud barge through the scene. This being Jim’s big scene, everybody gets to read lines but him. Jim sets out to prove the attempt at Shakespeare is out of the teenage league, but will he convince Betty to switch to something more contemporary? Something more American?

The big night at the school production arrives, and Mom sits with Cathy as Betty takes the stage. Is the play selection a better fit?