Dragnet – Big Jump. ep83, 510111

Homicide detail. A man crouches on a ledge of a building and threatens to jump.

Footsteps echo as Joe Friday gets the word from partner Ben Romero, and they walk out the hall to deal with the attraction, a man threatening to jump from the 13th floor. The jumper is one of the queerest ones yet. Using a hammer to swipe at those who get too close, he warns his would be rescuers that they’re trying to cripple him, or trying to kill him.

Volunteering to step out on the 14 inch wide ledge, windows creak open as Joe goes into voiceover to describe his thoughts, and perspective. Can any sense be talked to Walter? How about an appeal of sympathy to the disturbed man’s troubled mind? What about an appeal to how it makes his loved ones feel? In conference with the doctor, cops discuss the next direction to try

Time is of the essence. Walter left a note threatening to jump at 2 O’Clock. With the gathering crowd, it’s becoming more likely a bystander will be injured. Emergency workers can only stand by at a safe distance. Will it be more affective if Walter heard the voice of his sister calling him to safety? With all the emotional appeals, there’s another tack. Try to get Walter riled enough to come after Joe.