Lum and Abner – Part2 Lum’s Bank. 440300

Grandpap enters the store and gets caught up on recent gossip with Abner. How about a game of checkers? Abner informs grandpap he can’t since he’s now president, and Lum is being made president of the board down in the county seat. Can Abner describe what any of the new jobs entails? Most of what he knows involves making faces.

The talk of all the new jobs comes to an end when Lum returns. Well? Are they going to make $100 thousand? Lum decides he may not take the job after all. Has the banking business gotten so boring over night that Lum just isn’t interested in counting all the money any more?

The truth comes out, and Lum is forced to come clean with Abner. The board of directors made it plain their bank has been operating illegally, and they have to shut it down.

PS: there’s more missing shows, but it isn’t difficult to imagine how this story ends.