Lum and Abner – Everyone In Town Is Authorized To Sell Diamonds. 440119

The gents have a dual business, where part of the day Abner works for Lum, and part of the day, they switch. Cedric is on hand to hear about the diamond business, and how the job reversals work for the boss and employee relationship. Lum arrives, and the gents iron out job titles, and plans for the business.

Though Abner had already peaked in Lum’s package, he asks about the new diamond business, and where they’ll get them. Lum has the exclusive dealership in the county, and plans on selling a diamond to every home.

Feeling a little full of himself, Lum is sure the company hand picked him due to his executive skills to sell the diamonds in his area. Then who were those men in town last week? What did Cedric, Mousey, and others want when they were chased away earlier? Maybe that diamond dealership wasn’t so exclusive after all?

Amos and Andy, Laurel and Hardy, with Lum and Abner.