Casey, Crime Photographer (AFRS) Woman Of Mystery. 501109

On an assignment, Casey and Ann investigate a crime scene at a boarding house. A woman has been stabbed to death. The cops gather the clues for the locked room mystery. Could the woman stab erself in the back? How could a killer have gotten in or out of the locked room? It would have taken a strong person to have done the deed.

Miss Jessip was an aloof person, a lone wolf, but despite that the boarding house owner, Mrs Banks feels they had a connection. What clues will Casey find in her story as a lonely woman? Is she, or any of her other boarders strong enough to have done the damage the knife did in killing Mis Jessip?

The clues are hashed out as Casey and the cops try to make sense of the matter.
Casey finds the clue he needs in the lonely nature of the little old boarding house matronn. The big question remains of how such a tiny woman could have done the violent deed. Don’t worry, Casey explains it all as he confronts her.