Lum and Abner – Squire Will Drop Charges Against Abner. 431213

Lum tries to tell Abner that the extra jewelry found on his possession when he broke into squires house was planted.

Abner is confused over how diamonds can be planted. How do they grow? How many bushels does a diamond plant produce?

It takes some doing, but Lum finally gets Abner to see how silly his garden of jewels is. You know how those kleptomaniacs are. There’s just no talking sense to them.

To resolve the problem, Squire Skimp agrees to come over and clear up the misunderstanding of Abner’s break in,

While Lum talks on the phone with Dick Huddleston to explain the patched up feelings, Squire arrives and has Abner talk privately to him in the feed room. Somehow, I get the feeling things are about to get worse again.

Out of make up.