Lum and Abner – Squire Rants And Raves Over Warrant. 431124

Fearing that issuing a warrant for Squire will be seen as Lum’s attempt to get rid of a business rival, by abusing the law, the decision has been taken out of his hand. Grandpap had set the ball in motion. Today, Abner takes a phone call, with a concern that movie prices will rise, without the competition. Has Lum been right to balk?

Abner assures Lum the whole affair was above board, but he sure would have loved to been there to see Squire hit the roof when uncle Henry arrested him. Cedric is approaching. Have the gents caused him to lose his job when Squire was shut down?

Does the arrest free Cedric from his contract, or does it bind Squire to the obligation, even without being in business? There may be nothing for Cedric to worry about, but Abner is plenty worried when Squire enters to rant and rave at Lum. Accusations fly that Lum made up the law, and threats of epic legal battles loom large.