Lum and Abner – Lum Leaves During the Trial. 431220

It’s opening day of the ttrial to determine the ruling of Squire’s injury in the movie theater. Lawyers confer, and leave Lum and Abner to wonder over their key piece of evidence.

Doc Miller takes the stand to point out in technical terms about the x-ray of the broken back. Abner is confused, and objects. Is the kind of injury possible, or even probable? Lum is called to testify about his letter of apology. but will its sympathetic intent come through, or ill it incriminate?

Premium fan photo. Squire plays up his frailties, comparing it to his duties in the Spanish American war. What about the bullet wound, and the bullet he still carries? The gents can’t get the stories right as to how Squire actually got his bullet wound, but agree he has one, but is it the reason Lum suddenly disappears.