Lum and Abner – Doc Miller Says Squire’s Back Is In Bad Shape. 431216

With the court date approaching, the case is looking worse for Lum and Abner. Lum paces the floor to study up on a way out, while Abner is as nervous and jumpy as a rabbits nose. Will grandpap have any ideas? Why not just give in, and pay the $1000 Squire wants?

Premium fan  photo. Grandpap reads from the newspaper, but what does the legal matter about a horse have to do with Lum and Abner. Why did the horse kick? Why is his woman on the lose? Should Abner report a crazed woman to the sheriff?

More unrelated legal news items are shared, but Lum gets the idea that Doc Miller might have an opinion on Squire’s broken back. Are the x-rays really as serious as they claim?