Greatest Story Ever Told – Sufficient Unto the Day. ep243, 530222

Audio is good.

In a modest farmhouse in Galillee, we find Raphael. Always concerned about being prepared, is he expecting too much from his daughter? Are his worries for her unfounded? Will he consent for Marra to get married to Jonathan? His fears and worries drive Raphael to want to take his family to the hills to avoid the rumor of distant plague. Will the teaching of the Master help?

Though normally the obedient daughter, Marra finds it difficult to pick up and leave. Ruth isn’t getting any younger, and finds it hard to leave, but they dutifully go. Will life in a cave be as fulfilling and safe as Raphael makes it out to be? Storms, wild animals, and more dangers prove to be more than any imagined worries and fears. Is this any better than facing worries of the plague?

Returning home, to a place overgrown with weeds, no food stored up, and added work to do to return the farm and home to the way it was before, Raphael has a hard time convincing Marra it was worth it. Realizing his losses of a good harvest, and the fact there was no plague, Raphael is ready to listen as Jonathan repeats the Master’s teaching on not living in fear of tomorrow.