Great Gildersleeve – Back As Water Commissioner. ep141, 441029

Marjorie reads the latest news in the paper that calls for the corrupt water commissioner to be ousted, and Gildersleeve reinstalled. Will this end the dry spell in employment for the family? Is there still a chance to get on with Humpstone and his factory?

Heading to Peavey’s drugstore, Gildy wants the best cigars available. Will there be any competition for the job with Humpstone? More than Gildy expected. It’s off to the factory to make as good of an impression as he can.

Enjoying the evening at home, Gildy lets the kids go to the movies, while he makes plans for the factory. Judge Hooker arrives with the offer to return to the water department. Now its up to Gildy to decide. A trip to the library to read up on hydraulics may help. A chance meeting with Eve Goodwin is the thing Gildy needs to get caught up with her. Her advice sways him to pick the right career direction, although his oblivious word choice may keep him on the outs with her.