Vic and Sade – Saving Bluetooth From Tragedy. 440925

In the small house halfway up the next block, we find Russell begging permission to talk on the phone. His important rreasons aren’t good enough for Sade to allow it. He wants to have a crowd of his friends over for a serious meeting.

What’s the serious topic at hand? What kind of thin ice is Bluetooth Johnson on? Vic and Sade make light of the boyhood drama. Through it all, Russell shares the details of young love, and scandal among the tough guys at school.

Bluetooth is on thin ice, and he’s in hot water, besides the mixed metaphores, he wrote a love note to Mildred Teasdale, and now faces the biggest scandal in the sophomore class that may never blow over.

PS: Interesting show about… well, not much at all, other than Russell’s rant on the teenage drama of young love, and getting teased over it. A nice counterpart to the overarching drama of uncle Fletcher and his wedding preparations for his landlady.