Vic and Sade – Muted Silver Moonbeam Chimes. 440906

Audio is a little weak, and has a low hum. Vic leaves to go back to work after lunch, but Sade has a list of things for him to do on an errand after work. She keeps Vic talking in hushed tones, since Mr Donahue is trying to sleep next door. Among the errands, Sade mentions a woman who called to remind Vic about Moonbeam chimes.

What are these Silver Moonbeam chimes? Is it something related to the lodge, or to the office? Either way, Sade slowly lures Vic into a trap. She is never keen on spending money on the lodge, and that Miss Pompom Cordoba at the office is a hotbed of jealousy just waiting to explode on poor old Vic.

That’s right Vic, keep on digging your hole deeper as Sade’s seeminly innocent questions draw you deeper into her net. The claws are out, and the words more sharp as Vic is once again put into his place by his wife. Poor Vic thrives on adoring, flirtatious compliments, and Sade never seems to do that for him. When will Sade ever learn to be flirtatious, and in doing so, keep Vic’s ego needs met athome? When will Vic ever learn that mention of those flirtatious secretaries at work never end well if he lets Sade lure him down the path of self incrimination? Some things are better left unsaid, accompanied by a fast change of subject.


  1. Keith, you are a genius! You bring up a point here that I had never thought of – which again makes me want to write about it. Just want to say thanks for these podcasts but especially for your writing, which helps bring up points that I hadn’t yet thought of!

  2. Keith

    Hey Jimbo, this is one that didn’t quite make our top 5 list, but it may have made the cut as an honorable mention.

    For sure, it’s one that epitomizes the tender relationship between Vic and Sade. Or lack thereof. What I mean is, that they really do love each other, but their love tanks are filled in different ways, and they don’t always hit the mark in meeting the other’s needs. Vic is a big kidd, who needs his ego stroked to feel loved. Amazingly, Sade never does this well. I have never heard her comment on Vic’s blue eyes, heart shaped face, or his deep sonorous voice. Or pay him hardly any such mushy compliments. She certainly does have a knack for knowing when other women are turning Vic’s head.

    Sade needs security and stability, and Vic does a good job at providing for her. It’s only those times when he lets his inner child out, says silly things, and (gasp) lets his ego respond to strokes that he gets from outside the home. Sade really could go about claiming her marital territory in a better way. One that wouldn’t belittle Vic so badly, and one that would show him that he already has all that, and more right home with her. The situation could lend itself to being both comical, and heartwarming, instead of belittling and nagging.

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