Vic and Sade – Money Owed Sade. 440905

Audio has a low rumble to it that overpowers the audio. Sade recounts to Vic about the number of her friends who owe her money, and their excuses they give her for not paying her back. There’s bills to pay to the brick mush man, the need to borrow a few cents for a postage stamp, or simply dropping a few coins on the floor and losing them as they roll away. But those are only a few of the littany of rejections Sade faces from her friends who owe her money.

There’s even a matter of winning a bet for a penny, but Sade isn’t able to collect on it. Vic has been paying close attention to the funds, and I think he may be tempted to calculate Sade’s untold riches, but knows better not to. Poor penny-pinching Sade, will she ever have any luck in collecting her debts?

1 Comment

  1. You can imagine how mad Sade really is when buys something frivilous such as a ‘smiling’ RJ Konk painting, a cannon or various other things.

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