Halls of Ivy – The Leslie Hoff Painting. ep31, 500927

When a student achieves an outstanding accomplishment, the president of the college is usually sure to know. When a reporter covers the story of an art award, Todhunter Hall seems caught off guard. Why did the reporter ask about the financial state of the college?

Little is known about who the art student is, other than the statistics of their accomplishment, but thanks to Vickie, the interview goes well. Lesley Hoff is to meet with the Halls. In the meantime, a benefactor wants to donate a large sum to the school. Excitement runs higher for meeting the benefactor than for meeting the art student.

The contribution is elated to the painting, but how is the contribution linked to the school? Why is the painting so special? There are stipulations placed on how the scholarship is to be used. Certain races or nationalities must not be supported. Uh-oh. Will Doc Hall be able to accept the endowment? Will Lesley, a student of color, break down the barrier and find acceptance, and break down at least one wall of bigotry?