Gunsmoke – The Foul Up. 540920

It’s a chancey job, and it makes a man watchful, and a little lonely. Welcome to Matt Dillon’s world. Matt and Chester are on hand when Doc tries to patch up a begger who was shot. The unarmed man dies, and Matt springs into action to investigate who shot him. With a clue from Kitty, Matt is off to watch the train depot.

Matt hops on the train to catch his man, but is he the right guy? In Matt’s absence, he returns to find Dodge City up in arms after the bank was robbed. Fortunately, Matt already has the info he needs to solve that crime. It will just take putting a little pressure on in the right places.

Can you guess from the title of the episode? The plan falls apart, but Chester and Matt have an awkward moment when Matt’s anger at Chester is diffused when he realizes what their friendship means.