X Minus One – Double Dare. ep122, 571219

The spaceship set down, right on schedule. The two astronauts are greeted, and promised the best of living arrangements. In retrospect, we find their arrival is due to a bar bet, as to which civilization has the better technology. Now the entire state department back home is counting on the versatility and hard work of these two traveling engineers.

Given a series of problems to work out will determine whether the technical expertise is satisfactory. The test lab is more than the engineers ever dreamed of back home on earth. Is that a good sign, or a bad one? Is there a catch to the experiments, and projects? Will they be able to not only meet, but exceed the requirements?

Time for the third, and final test. Build a perpetual motion machine. Oh, is that all! Sure enough, they pull it off, but then that suspected trick shows itself. Have the top engineers been outsmarted? Of course, the aliens had to meet similar challenges on earth. How are they doing so far? Will the engineers still have a challenge ahead of them? There’s just no limit to what a man will invent if he has to do it.