Vic and Sade – Russell In Charge Of Howard. 440808

Sade asks Vic to show her how to play Rummy, despite being able to play the complicated game of 500, she still needs help in Rummy. She has a mind like teflon when it comes to card games, and Vic has to go through the rules of Rummy in detail as they attempt a hand. He doesn’t get far before Sade goes off on tangents of gossip. Vic plays his part of the hand with lightning speed, but Sade milks every distraction as long as she can. Russell enters to feed Sades distractions, He tells how he gets to take charge of Mr Gumpox horse Howard.

The priviledge of caring for a horse is so impressive that Russell is doing it at no charge. Even Vic joins in with the distraction to ask what kind of duties are involved. Will the work be dangerous? Might Russell be bitten by a horse? Russell the horse whisperer tells how he’ll handle those beasts. It’ll all be worth it to ride a horse around town and impress all his friends.

Oh those crazy kids, but will Sade ever remember that it’s still her turn at Rummy?