Lum and Abner – Lum Will Teach a Class In Country Storekeeping. 430928

Much to Lum’s disgust, Caleb has been implementing some popular changes to the local school system. Today however, Abner is surprised to find Lum sporting a mortarboard hat, and wanting to be known as professor Lum. The change has come due to being asked to teach his trade to the young scholars, as part of Caleb’s new plan.

Using a much more fancy title than Caleb used, Lum tells Abner about the topic he is to teach. Abner is still a little confused, but it makes more sense to know the class will be about running a country store.

With all the chairs set up in the store, there isn’t much room to do anything. Will Lum’s class be that popular? Hey, all the kids are passing the store. That must be all the ignorant kids. At least Mary has popped in, but not for the reason Lum expects. Who has the most popular class in town?