Lone Ranger – Partners At Pistol Point. 400826

A couple rowdy, but good natured friends keep to themselves when they gamble, so as not to start gunfights when playing with the usual crowd. They are prone to be short tempered, and a bit hot headed.

The two friends have a flare up when one is caught cheating. Fortunately, the Lone Ranger has been lurking, and steps in to break it up. The masked man suspects the two hotheaded friends were set up for the argument. He can’t put his finger on what’s going on, but listeners are clued in.

He tries to patch up the friendship, and talk sense to the bickering buddies. Can he manage it? Who might want them to fight each other, and why? A few well laid set ups keep them fighting, and make it hard for Lone Ranger and Tonto.

As icing on the cake, the bad guy might get not only the benefit of doing away with his two enemies, but in doing away with the Lone Ranger as well. The mystery needs to be solved, or this could be the last ride of the Lone Ranger.