Vic and Sade – Summer Maneuvers. 440717

Summer heat can make tempers run hot. Russel tells Sade about a fight that nearly broke out among his friends in Tappman’s vacant lot. Vic enters throwing a pity party over not being able to sit in the porch swing. It’s all in his wierd way of complaining, but doing it in a good mood. Vic shares news about a letter from a lodge brother that has him in high spirits. What is the exultant news from Hunky J Sponger? The marching band is requested to go on Summer maneuvers. The team usually marches in seperate locations, synchronizing their march by stop watch. This is their big chance to camp together and practice as a unit. Even better, the proposed camp will be right here in town. Guess where they are all supposed to stay?

Sade comes up with objections at hosting the affair, and points out rifts that Vic has with his fellow lodge friends. Some are mad at Vic, others are in jail, and Vic ends up storming out.